- 品一盏春茶,感受春天的新生能量,帮助身体温润回暖,驱散旧日沉滞。
- 体验茶道的宁静,在茶香氤氲间安顿身心,让内在的浮躁与疲惫慢慢沉淀。
- 实践节气养生之道,通过正身形调呼吸和带着觉察行茶,让惊蛰成为自身焕新的契机。
1. 开场与流程介绍 - 5分钟2. 茶友自我介绍 - 10分钟
3. 节气养生与茶品介绍 - 15分钟
4. 茶道体验与互动问答 - 50分钟
5. 活动反馈与合影留念 - 10分钟
1人 20元;2人 36元;3人 45元
Awakening Tea Gathering
Rise with Spring Thunder, Rebalance with Tea
Have you been feeling occasional fatigue, mood swings, or changes in sleep recently? Jingzhe (Awakening of Insects) is not just a seasonal shift in nature—it is also a time for internal energy adjustment and renewal.
During this period, liver energy begins to rise, and yang energy expands. When we align with this natural rhythm, we feel more energized, refreshed, and balanced. However, if we miss this opportunity for adjustment, we mayexperience irritability, drowsiness, or even physical discomfort.
How can we embrace this renewal and restore vitality?
We invite you to a special tea gathering, where tea serves as a bridge to harmonize body and mind in alignment with the season:
- Savor a cup of spring tea, absorbing its fresh energy to warm the body and dispel stagnant winter fatigue.
- Experience the tranquility of the tea ritual, allowing the soothing aroma to calm the mind and gently dissolve restlessness and exhaustion.
- Practice seasonal wellness techniques, including mindful posture, breath regulation, and conscious tea preparation, transforming Jingzhe into an opportunity for personal renewal.
Jingzhe signals nature’s awakening—are you ready to embrace a renewed version of yourself?
Join us for a mindful gathering where we sip tea, cultivate awareness, and immerse ourselves in the vibrant energy of Jingzhe and the serene wisdom of tea. Let’s embark on this journey of renewal together!
Tea Gathering Schedule
1. Opening & Introduction – 5 min
2. Tea Friends' Self-Introductions – 10 min
3. Seasonal Wellness & Tea Introduction – 15 min
4. Tea Ceremony Experience & Interactive Discussion – 50 min
5. Event Feedback & Group Photo – 10 min
$20 for 1 pax; $36 for 2 pax; $45 for 3 pax
If you pay $50 at one time, you can attend 3 different sessions.
报名 Registration
全名 Full Name *电话 Phone *电邮 Email选择日期 Select Date *留言 MessageLocation:6 Raffles Blvd, Marina Square #03-280A, Singapore 039594
Contact(Phone/Whatsapp):(+65) 8013 1670